A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps

Rule 111- Don’t take life too seriously, no one gets out alive anyway.

I don't know if I should be flattered or afraid. I also have no clue if doing favours for ghosts is a good thing or not. I guess there's no harm in hearing him out, right? "Uh, that depends what you want I suppose, but I am happy to listen." I offer. Ambrose smiles at me and nods.

"Smart girl, never agree to an open ended favour. And actually there are two favours I'm hoping to ask. I know that as a ghost there is no way I can ever realistically repay you, but I'm hoping you'll just help me out of the goodness of your heart, and maybe because of your... Affection for my son." He says with a smirk. Dammit. How long has he been watching us? What has he seen?

"Please tell me what it is you want from me." I'm blushing and my words tumble out in one go, anything to get this conversation moving. He nods but there's still a hint of a smirk.noveldrama

“The first thing I wanted to ask you is to please take care of my son. I understand that you've been helping him look for my killers and I do appreciate that, but I don't want it to take over his life. He likes you, you'll be able to stop him if it goes too far. Don't let him become too... Too serious. He doesn't have a lot of close friends and from what I've seen, I like how he is around you. Just... Promise me you won't abandon him. One day, and probably one day soon, he's going to do something or say something that will test you. Just... Don't give up on him too easily." He pleads. I stare at him wide eyed. Is he asking me to... What is he asking me to do exactly? I feel like he's implying he wants me to date his son, but he could also just be asking me to maintain a friendship. Damn these fae and their vague but honest statements. Not to mention, what does he mean Ashton is going to test me, as in he's going to piss me off somehow? I can't imagine what he would do that would make me angry enough to not want to see him anymore, but I'm sure I would give him a decent chance. I don't quite understand why Ambrose wants me to promise him something that I would probably do anyway. Except, Ashton told me I shouldn't make promises too easily.

"Ashton told me not to make promises unless I am sure that I can keep them. I do not think it would be fair of you to ask me to promise to always stand by him. What if he does something truly unforgivable? I do not actually think that is likely, but just because I CAN lie, that does not mean it would be right for me to make a promise I may not be able to keep. I CAN tell you that I want Ashton to be safe and happy. I do not always expect things to be easy between us. I would never abandon someone without a very good reason. That is... The most I can say." I conclude. Ambrose nods, his expression solemn.

"I understand that. Your answer is reasonable and I don't think I could expect any more. I'm content with what you've said." He responds.

"Good. You said you wanted two favours, what is the second one?" I ask.

"I... I want you to pass a message on to my wife. I would tell her myself but... Well, I already explained that. It's just... It's my wife's birthday soon and I had prepared a gift for her. I hid it and I was hoping you could tell her where to find it. There's a carved wooden box locked in my desk. The one in my study. I'll understand if you aren't willing, but if I can just give her this one last thing... It would comfort me, and I hope it would comfort her too." He says sadly. My heart is breaking a little. He looks so lost. Before I even know what I'm saying I nod my head in agreement.

"I will pass on the message." I promise.

Well, there goes the plan to not make any promises. But this guy looks like he might cry. CAN ghosts cry? With watery eyes, Ambrose smiles at me and holds out a hand. I'm momentarily confused until I realise he wants me to give me his hand. Now there's a question, can I touch a ghost? I reach out and try to place my hand on his, but I move straight through it with a slight shiver. I try again, this time hovering my hand a little above his to imitate him holding my hand. In a now familiar gesture, he bows over my hand.

"Thank you Katerina. I know I am offering a debt that I can never repay, but you have my thanks either way. I... I don't expect that I'll see you again. Giving her the necklace... It will have to be enough. But I am so glad I got the chance to meet you. You are... Everything I could have hoped you would be." Hoped? What exactly is he hoping about me and why? I just give an awkward smile and wait for him to move away from my hand. It's actually kind of difficult keeping my hand hovering like this.

"I am glad I got to meet you too. I am really sorry about what happened to you." I say honestly. I mean, what do you say to comfort a guy who is already dead? He smiles at me and without another word, wanders off towards the door. My first instinct is to tell him that it's locked, but with a wave and another slight smile that makes him resemble Ashton, he walks straight through the door and is gone.

A few hours later I wake again to Ashton knocking on my door. I have to repress a groan, I definitely do not feel like I got enough sleep, I'm so tired. On the bright side, it feels like a more natural tired than I was experiencing before. The right amount of tiredness reflects what I've done and how much, or little, sleep I actually had.

"One moment." I call out and Ashton falls silent on the other side of the door. I guess fae hearing can be handy sometimes. I crawl out of bed, dislodging Bast who gives me a dirty look, then stretches, arching his back and stabbing his claws into the blankets. He is so cute! In the morning sunlight, the green in his fur is far more obvious.

"You are so beautiful." I coo at him as I move to unlock the door. Ashton is standing on the other side giving me a curious look.

"I suspect that you weren't talking to me, so who were you talking to?" He asks, looking over my shoulder into the room. I have to unglue my eyes from Ashton. I wasn't talking to him, but the statement still fits.

"I found a cat... Sort of. I named him Bast. He is so sweet. He has been keeping me company all evening." I tell him, my delight obvious. Ashton's expression reminds me a lot of his dad's from last night. A little unsure about the creature in front of him, but particularly confused by how it's reacting to me. I move back to the bed and pet the kitty, stroking his chin and between his little antlers. He purrs loudly, then nudges at my hand where I have the closed up scrape from yesterday.

"Kat... You do realise that isn't a cat like the ones you have right? It... That cat drinks blood." He explains, clearly worried he's going to upset me. I shrug.

"I did notice that yesterday, he licked a little scrape I had. If he drinks blood, why keep him around?" I ask. Ashton sighs.

"We don't have much choice. That particular breed has an uncanny ability to travel through reflective surfaces, so he can easily walk through glass windows or mirrors. It makes it nearly impossible to keep them out. Besides, they don't drink MUCH blood. A drop or two a day is plenty, they mostly seem to live off of sunlight. They're as much a type of plant as they are a living creature. It's very strange that he's taken to you so much. You said you fed him, maybe humans taste better than us fae." He teases me but he is eying the cat warily.

"If all the cat does is take a tiny bit of blood I do not see what the issue is." I admit. Ashton sighs.

"The creature is capable of releasing a magic that makes people sleep, likely to make it easier to feed. Most people don't appreciate being forced to sleep." He explains. Should I be less friendly with Bast?

"Well, Ambrose said I should be okay, so it should be fine." I mutter to myself. Ashton whips his head around to look at me.

"What did you just say?" He demands. Oops.

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