Pregnant I left him To His First Love

Chapter 171

"Do you Liana Rodgers solemnly swear that the testimony you will give to this court will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth under the all seeing eye of the goddess?" Kelvin asks Liana with both their right hands up as he stands by the podium. It is the day of the second hearing and Justin has called her to the stand to prove that she was indeed on the scene of Henry's murder and the first discoverer.

"I solemnly swear," Liana replies.

Kelvin nods and they both take their seat before Justin steps forward.

"You just took an oath before everyone present here in the name of the goddess and I hope you can honour that oath," he says, "tell us, according to you, what happened that day?"

Liana glances at Leila who gives her a reassuring nod despite the way Leila's own heart hammers with a nervous fear.

Kelvin has prepared Liana for this, he has told her how to answer the questions, prepped her on how Justin would go low and try to rile up her emotions, twist his questions so her story would start to sound inconsistent and suspicious to the judge but at home on the couch is different from being inside the witness box where every answer is crucial in deciding her fate.

Liana recounts the events of that day, how she was on the journey with her husband when Trent joined them, the little scuffle between them over Leila's absence and the sudden rogue attack. How she was struck down and wounded, how Trent was captured and her husband went to save him and how Trent came out with the dead body.

Justin sighs at the end of her testimony before he smirks at her and walks up to her in the witness box.

"So according to your testimony, you were never there when your husband got attacked? You never saw it?"


"And that is the truth?"


"Are you sure you don't want to save us all the trouble by admitting the real truth that you in fact murdered your husband?" Justin's brow peers up and so does the tone of his voice. "Objection your honour, the witness already admitted her testimony as the truth," Kelvin cuts in sharply before Liana can reply.

"Sustained. The prosecution will proceed with another line of questioning," Judge Bruce retorts.

Justin nods. "This visit to the other pack, it was one of celebratory nature, am I correct?"


"So you wouldn't need anything like weapons with you on that day. I mean since it's a celebration, you shouldn't really need weapons, am I correct?"

"Objection your honour, leading question," Kelvin cuts in again.


"Were you carrying any weapons on that day?" Justin asks with a smug look on his face.

Liana hesitates for a moment. "I was."

Leila frowns deeply at Justin, realising that if Kelvin had not objected to the first question and her mother said yes, the second question would have made her implicit.

"A grade 10, 9mm pistol with wolfsbane coated silver bullets, am I right?"

"That would be it, yes."

"Hmmm," Justin retorts and walks back towards the middle of the courtroom. "Why were you carrying it that day?"

"Objection, your honour, irrelevant," Kelvin counters.

"Overruled," Judge Bruce replies.

"I mean we're talking about a high grade military weapon here, the type that would require only one bullet to take down a powerful Beta like your late husband, why were you carrying it?" Justin's voice becomes cold and demanding, a fraction of a yell.

Liana gulps slowly, her eyes full of worry and fear as she glances at Kelvin, her heart thudding slowly.

Leila grips her purse against her thighs, seeing her mother's state, knowing Justin's insinuation is getting to her.

"My husband was the head warrior, we were journeying on foot and would shift when we got close to the other pack border, it was protection against rogues," Liana replies calmly after taking a deep breath.

"Protection, that would make sense.

Except your late husband was the


head warrior, wielding a weapon of that calibre would make sense for him but for you? An untrained woman, a school teacher, why would you be wielding the weapon and not him? He was the head warrior, why would he need a feeble woman and a gun to protect him?"

"Objection! Compound question!"


"Were you with this weapon at all times?" Justin probes further.

"Um...yes I think so," Liana replies.

"You're going to have to be clearer than that, woman," Justin's voice becomes more stern. "Were you or were you not with your weapon at all times?!"

"I was. I was."

"Your honour," Justin walks back to his seat and picks up a file, before he hands it to the judge.

"She just admitted in front of this court that she had her weapon at all times and under oath she gave her testimony that she was not present at the time of her late husband's death but that is the coroner's report.

If you look closely at your honour, it is boldly stated that a silver bullet from a 9mm pistol was the cause of death of the late Beta Henry Rogers, shot straight to his heart. Your honour, the very same type of weapon the witness was wielding on

the journey. I ask that the vel.nonoveldrama

considers this in its judgement, I have no further questions."

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