Substitute for The Alpha King

Chapter 56: I found him

Rushing out of the room, she was confused about what was happening but knew that she needed to find him, Hannah walked to the living room only to find Shawn walking into the house, he had had a rough night she could tell by the look in his eyes, nevertheless she did not know where he had been and, she has not even realized that he has left the house until now.

"Shawn” she whispered and he just looked after not bothering to say a word, as he walked past her she held his hand. Hannah sensed that he was still mad at her but there was nothing that she could do, she hated that she was the cause of his worries and anger but then, that was not intentional, she would never think of hurting him since she cared about him and he cared about her as well.

Despite what had happened tonight she could not just let him walk past her asking what was wrong with him.

"Shawn are you all right?" she was concerned but then he glared at her and tried to hang his arm away from her group but Hannah held him so tight and shook her head.

"Yes I am, you don't have to worry about me and just go back to bed" Hannah did not believe a single word he just said It would be wicked of her to just return back to bed as if she had not noticed that he was not happy.

"How do you expect me to live in this condition and just return back to bed? Shawn I am not going to leave you not in this condition, it would be wicked of me to leave you just like that, and besides you've come through for me a long way so how could I ever think of turning my back on you especially right now that I'm seeing you in this manner"

" and whose fault is it that I am in this manner?"noveldrama

"Seriously? Are you going to be like this all day?"

"the day is almost over, Hannah. all night so go back to bed and sleep while I need to think"

Hannah could not believe that he was brushing her off and pushing her away at the same time, she never imagined that he would do that to her no matter what she did to him.

"How do you think that I will sleep when you are like this? even if I return back to the room and lie on the bed I won't be able to shut my eyes and sleep so I can't leave you in this manner"

"Why? you said it yourself but you're not interested in going with me and, we are not mates so why are we still having this conversation"

she ran her hands through my hair, he was exhausting to talk with especially when things were not going his way. she understood that he cared about her but she expected him to let it go and listen to what she had to say.

"Are you going to keep bringing that up? I thought you were over this and we've settled"

"over this? settled? since when did we settle? you are the one who concluded and I gave you that decision that you are going with me, but you have been stubborn about it, hard-headed"

She frowned, Hannah had not liked that he had indicated that she was hard-headed.

"I am not hard headed"

"oh sorry, I am really sorry"

she knew he did not say that because he really meant it, he meant nothing and only said it because he just wanted to mock her and infuriate her. "Shawn, you should stop, I am not in the mood for that"

"Exactly! you are not in the mood, you are never in the mood and now that I've left you yet you come to me, What is it that you want me to do? do you expect me to fold my arms and smile at you? do you expect me to pretend like all is well? what exactly do you want? you care about me yet you think I'm a liar, I was not lying to you Hannah and if you want me to prove it I can prove it a thousand times but what's there to prove when you don't even believe me, do you know I have never doubted a word you told me because I know I need to trust you and I do, but why can't you trust me even when I'm doing nothing wrong for you to doubt my intentions?"

he was right though, she knew that but she would never want to admit it to him. Shawn has never given her a reason to doubt and even though she had faked everything about her right from the first day that they met, Shawn would have chosen to doubt her but he didn't and chose to believe her even when there was so much at stake, and he had already discovered the truth about her.

"Why don't you just go to bed and stop this nonsense? I'm really exhausted and so are you, I don't want you to be as if I am the one keeping you here and tomorrow when you wake up late for"

“ that is ridiculous, since when do I blame you when I wake up late for work? you know I won't yet you say I do”

"Just go to bed Hannah, if you want we can talk tomorrow"

“fine I accept, but just answer me, were you the one on the rooftop?"


yes I was, I went up there to receive Breeze and to clear my head, are you happy now?"

"why are you being this difficult all of a sudden?"

"I am not being difficult"

"Yes you are"

"if that is how you see it then so be it,. Hannah, I hope you have a good night's rest as I would❞

Before Hannah could get to say another word, he was already walking away from her and she could not stop him, he was right they had hurt each other enough for the night and he did too sleep through it.

"goodnight Shawn" she whispered before he dashed off to his bedroom

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